Terretta 2 hours ago

This is very strangely phrased, both in the title, and in the article body:

"Guthrie allegedly warned staff during the meeting that Microsoft won’t return to working in the office five days a week unless it notices a lag in productivity."

This feels less like a warning and more like an ... appeal?

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mrinfinitiesx 17 minutes ago

Return to our offices or else!

How about -> 'No.'

How about we get with reality and realize that spending ~$5 a gallon to sit in traffic, wait at red lights, waste time office chatting/gossiping/putting up with politics/drama/and countless 'meetings' that we can..

1. Wake up.

2. Get ready for the day.

3. Sit down at our computer.

4. Log on.

5. Work. Apply ourselves.

Achieve more as a lot of the day ends up with waiting on others, so this balances the work/homelife even greater... which in return..

Makes better employees and contractors!

Who knew, saying this for when I was in a position as an executive myself.

Working next to people on projects closely is very good, but, how often does that happen that a voice channel with push-to-talk and screen share doesn't do the same thing?

calrain 3 hours ago

This is one of places where Unions can help